Total Run This Leg:
Nautical Miles
Total Average Speed: 5.3 Knots
Hours / Days This Leg: 168.5 Hours, 7.02 Days
Distance To Go This Leg: 2,054.5 Nautical Miles
Estimated Time Of Arrival: 7:00 a.m., October 16, Balboa Sea Buoy
Present Course: 125 Degrees South by Southeast
Winds: Northwest at 20 Knots
Seas & Swells: Combined at 8 Feet
Barometric Pressure: 1005 Millibars
Air Temperature: 76 Degrees
Visibility: 10 Miles
Skies: Clear
Sea Floor: The ocean depth in the area averages about 1,600 Fathoms or
9,600 Feet. Position:
Jersey is currently 85 Nautical Miles South-Southeast of Cabo San Lucas, and approximately
120 Miles due East of her location is Isla Maria Magdalena and Isla Tres Manas.
These islands are identified as a prison colony on Sea Victory charts. The
navigational warning for the area states: "Ships should keep well clear of this group
in order to avoid interception and detention by Mexican authorities." Beyond them, on
the coast of Mexico, is the city of San Blas.
The Fish Belong To Everyone
Sea Victory Able Seaman Fred Davis, 41, was born in
Seattle and has worked for Crowley Marine Services for 10 years. His expertise is
not only with tugs. More often than not, he can be seen hauling in another Mahi-mahi
or Yellow Fin Tuna, but claims no credit for the catches. "Everyone eats them, and
everyone catches them," Davis says. "They belong to everyone."
His performance on the tug shows itself especially during
the rigorous and precise maneuvering of the USS New Jersey's tow gear, when huge sections
of the connection have to be re-configured after a departure or before an arrival.
Davis's frame lends itself to the challenges involved; he is large and uses his weight and
muscle power to render the chains tonnage moot.
The seaman has had much experience with boats, and
obviously with catching fish. He is an apparent expert at creating attractive lures
for the fish along New Jersey's trackline. The total catch rises day by day, and
he's played no small role in the results.
Davis has a strong liking for all kinds of fishing, and
can identify a species of fish immediately, and whether it is a keeper or one to be
returned to the sea for another chance. His expertise also shows itself in the many
troubleshooting requirements aboard this working tug.
Having someone of his experience on the USS New Jersey
tow allows everyone to breathe a little easier, and breathe a little more fresh air, right
along with him.
Submitted by Bob Wernet onboard the Sea Victory.