Total Run This Leg:
2,177.7 Nautical Miles
Total Average Speed: 5.18 Knots
Hours / Days This Leg: 420.5 Hours, 17.52 Days
Distance To Go This Leg: 770.1 Nautical Miles
Estimated Time Of Arrival: 7:00 a.m., Saturday, October 16, Balboa Sea
Buoy, Panama
Present Course: 117 Degrees Southeasterly
Winds: South-Southeast at 10 Knots
Seas: 1 Foot
Swells: 6 Feet from a Westerly Direction
Barometric Pressure: 1011 Millibars
Air Temperature: 81 Degrees
Sea Temperature: 79 Degrees
Visibility: 10 Miles
Skies: Mostly Cloudy
Sea Floor: Ocean depths beneath the USS New Jersey at this point are
1,900 Fathoms or 11,400 Feet Position:
USS New Jersey is currently due South of Punta Remedios, El Salvador, and 180
Nautical Miles Southwest of the border between El Salvador and Honduras, which extends
into the Golfo de Fonseca on its northern shore. On the expansive Gulf's more
Southern shores is the borderline between Honduras and Nicaragua.
Several prominent volcanic peaks rise on both sides of
the Gulf entrance and a number of high and conspicuous islands lie within the inner part.
"Sailing Directions" cautions seafarers that numerous fishing vessels may be
encountered in the approaches to the bay. (The correct spelling of the island
incorporating Haiti and the Dominican Republic is Hispaniola.)
USS New Jersey's "MarDets "
Four days after "The Jersey Bounce" reaches her
namesake's state waters and assumes her temporary berthing at the Philadelphia Navy Yard,
the U.S. Marine Corps will celebrate one more of its anniversaries.
The Corps was formed in Philadelphia, the City of
Brotherly Love, in 1775, and next month, on November 10, the Marines will celebrate the
224th year of their existence as pivotal landing forces in World War II and other wars, as
sharpshooters for naval vessels in early American history, and with the USS New Jersey, as
part of the ship's complement, known as "MarDets," or Marine Detachments.
Proudly retired Sergeant Major Roger Lockwood, USMC, was
one of those marines attached to the New Jersey, and he has fond memories of her and his
Corps experience. He also plans to be at the Battleship's side when she is formally
donated by the U.S. Navy Ship Donation Program to either Bayonne or Camden, after her
transit to Philadelphia.
"I have many wonderful memories of the ship and its
crew," Lockwood says. "I loved duty at sea and the grand old ship was my
home away from home."
For many Marines, it was probably the same for them.
"I was the 1st Sergeant of the Marine Detachment on the "Jersey
Bounce" from 1951-53," Lockwood related. "We provided security for
the ship, and we also were Admiral's orderlies, Captain's orderlies, but mostly our duties
provided for security of the ship, and for a small landing force if needed. That's what
the Detachments were used for," he said.
"It's a reflection of way back in our early days
when they served aboard ship as security, and they also were well up in the yardarms, the
mast area, and were shooting down on invaders. Marines were always a part of the
sharpshooters for the old Navy. They were always in the battle, so to speak, they
all had their own battle stations to take care of. That was one of the prime things
the Marines did when they were first formed as security," Lockwood related.
What about relationships between the sailors and marines
aboard ship, Lockwood was asked?
"Well, Marines and Navy are always at loggerheads,
so to speak. Marines didn't like the Navy, and the Navy didn't like the Marines,
because they thought we were glory hogs, and so forth. I know they used to call us
'Bell Hops,' and that caused quite a bit of fighting. But when it came down to
everything, and the stuff is on the line, though, they were hand-in-hand as far as
brothers in battle," he said.
"But it's always been my opinion that if I had been
born in the olden days, I would love to have been a Viking, or one of the gunners who
rolled out the guns on the old ships at sea, you know. And if there was no Marines
Corps, I would have been a Navyman," Lockwood said.
Sergeant Major Lockwood isn't planning on any new careers
these days. Today, for example, he informed us that he and his wife, residents of Mount
Morris, Michigan, were fully involved in the Michigan vs. Michigan State game on
television. He may also be celebrating early the 204th anniversary of the the Marine
Corps he served for so long and honorably.
And, by the way, Lockwood celebrated his own anniversary
yesterday - his 80th birthday. By the sound of things, he'll be on hand to christen
the USS New Jersey's new memorial donation site, whenever that occurs, and cheer on many
more Big Ten champion football teams, too, Viking style.
Happy Birthday, Sergeant Major Lockwood, Semper Fidelis,
and thank you, sir.
Submitted by Bob Wernet onboard the Sea Victory.