again I made the pilgrimage to Camden from
Virginia in the early morning hours to spend the day onboard Big J doing volunteer work.
As I have done on my last several trips aboard I went to work polishing
brass. Today we were concentrating on light switches and plates on
the weather decks. We have started on the main deck and are working
upwards one deck at a time. To date we've finished the main deck
level and are working on the O1 level. Much of the brass we are
removing and polishing has many coats of paint on them, it doesn't look
like they have been cleaned and polished in many years. The joke is
to clean them right you have to get down to Admiral Halsey's fingerprints,
then you're almost done. Not much exciting to report on today's
visit, as usual though there were lots of volunteers onboard doing a wide
variety of jobs. Many were like myself disappointed that the move
won't be taking place on Labor Day, but that just gives us more time to
get the ship ready for the public. That's about all for now, below
are some photos taken while onboard today.