was onboard once again this past Saturday polishing
brass and checking out the Battleship's new home. She really looks
great and attracted quite a crowd of curious visitors all day long.
Security at the new pier was high, but if you have a Volunteer Badge you
can get onboard without any problems. Since this was my first time
onboard since the Home Port Alliance moved the ship secretly on September
23rd, I was curious to see what the mood onboard would be like. I
must say there didn't seem to be nearly as many volunteers onboard as
usual, but those who were onboard were as enthusiastic as ever. Once
again I ended up on Mount 55, getting it all shined up
and ready for the Tours.
Below are a number of photos of the ship at her new pier, which as
evidenced by some of the photos, is still under construction.
There are also a number of photos of the
Powder handling Rooms and Hoists for Turrets #1 and #2. Today was the first time I
ventured all the way down to the Powder Handling Rooms, and it is truly
awesome down there. To see those areas now is very interesting to
me, but to think about the men who served in those spaces under wartime
conditions, it boggles the imagination. Anyway, the photos are
below, I plan to be onboard again this Saturday, hope to see you there too. There hasn't been any
announcement yet as to when she will open officially to the public, but I'll
let you know just as soon as I hear anything.